Press Releases
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
September 13th, 2019: FOXPRO has released 141 new sounds.Mark II Library:
- B42 Jake Gobbles 2
- B54 Magpie Dist
- B55 Magpie Duet
- B56 Magpie Hurt
- B57 Magpie Marvel
- B58 Raven Baby Dist
- B59 Raven Baby Duet
- B88 Brown Thrasher
- B95 Young Robin Dist
- B96 Young Robin Dist 2
- B97 Young Starling Dist
- B98 Young Starling Dist 2
- B99 Western Kingbird Dist
- 5B0 Flycatcher Dist
- 5B1 Western Flycatcher Dist
- 5B2 Killdeer Baby Dist
- 5B3 Killdeer Adult Alert
- 5B4 Killdeer Pair
- 5B5 Lost Baby Killdeer
- 5B6 Brown Thrasher 2
- C02 Canine Pup Dist
- C05 Canine Pup Dist 2
- C06 Canine Hyper Pup
- C07 Canine on Guard
- C08 Canine on Guard 2
- C09 Baying Dog
- C10 Junk Yard Dog
- C41 Inquisitive Howl Bark
- C42 Coyotes Yap
- C43 Great Group
- C44 Den Mayhem
- C45 Coyote Pair Challenge
- C46 Troubled Coy Pup
- C47 Cornered Coy Pup
- C48 Mini Mouthy Coy Pup
- C49 Sniveling Coy Pup
- C50 Shiller Coy Pup
- C51 Clutch Pup
- C52 Coyote Pup Growls
- C53 Defensive Coy Pup
- C54 Coy Pups Play Fight
- C55 Pup Grudge Match
- C56 Coy Pup Brawl
- C57 Coyote Pup 314
- C58 Den Heist
- C59 Graveling Coy Pup
- C60 Bent Up Coy Pup
- C61 Flea Bit Pup
- C62 Mangy Pup Squeaks
- C63 Wigged Out Coy Pup
- C64 Chattering Pup
- C65 Coy Pup Dist Yaps
- C66 Pot Luck Coy Pups
- C67 Tin Town Pups
- C68 Soprano-Tenor Coy Pups
- C69 Whippie Coy Pup
- C70 Frantic Coy Pup
- C71 Nutty Nut Pup
- C72 Coy Pup Bleak Squeaks
- C73 HP Coy Pups
- C74 Trivering Coy Pup
- 1C5 Young Coy Howl
- C80 Struggling Red Fox
- C81 Red Fox Attacked
- D08 Mule Deer Fawn Cries
- L14 Antelope Jack
- L15 Weno Jack
- L16 Mix Jack
- L17 Bay Bee Jack
- L18 Bay Bee Jack 2
- L19 Pipsqueak Jack
- L20 Wee Jack
- L21 Jack Jr
- L22 Petite Jack
- L23 Young Jack
- L24 Lil Jack Duet
- L65 Mr McCottontail
- L66 Mrs McCottontail
- N12 Hurt Raccoon
- N13 Raided Raccoon
- R12 Mouse Dist
- R13 Deer Mouse
- R14 Mad Mouse
- R15 Mr Mouse
- R16 Gabbing Guinea Pig
- R17 Grieving Grey Squirrel
- R18 Growl-n Grey Squirrel
- R19 Earls Grey Squirrel
- R20 Grey Squirrel Delight
- 070 Greater Snows
- 102 Male Coy Threats
- 104 Fem Coy Barks
- 105 Mild Coy Barks
- 106 Agitated Coy Barks
- 107 Angry Coy Barks
- 252 Antelope Fawn Bawl
- 267 KT Raccoon Death Cries
- 330 KT Wdpck Delight
- 340 KT Chicken Dist
- 342 Startled Starling 1
- 343 Startled Starling 2
- 344 Lark Bunting Dist
- 345 Barn Swallow Dist
- 346 Barn Swallow Dist 2
- 347 Bird Duet
- 526 Smacked Rat
- 937 KT Red Fox Barks
- 938 Red Fox Talk-n
- 939 Raspy Red Fox Dist
- 940 Red Fox Com Barks
- 941 Red Fox Com Barks 2
- 579 MM Breeding Sequence
- 580 MM Buck Grunting
- 581 MM Doe Bleats
- 582 MM Frustrated Buck
- 583 MM Mat Buck Grunts
- 584 MM Coy Cries
- 585 MM Coy Pup Dist
- 586 MM Coy Pup Howl
- 587 MM Coy Whimpers
- 588 MM Coy Whimpers 2
- 589 MM Lamb and Sheep
- 590 MM Lamb
- 591 MM R Fox Barks
- 592 MM R Fox Gekkering
- 593 MM R Fox Howl
- 594 MM R Fox Squall
- 595 MM Vixen Mating
- 596 MM Vixen
- 650 AM Cow Calf
- 651 AM Cow Calf 2
- 652 AM Cow Calf 3
- 653 AM Estrus Cow Calf
- 654 AM Long Range ELK Locator
- 655 AM Small Bull with Est Cow
- 656 AM Spike Bull and Est Cow
- 657 AM Spike and Big Bull
- 658 AM Bugles
- 659 AM Coy Yips and Whimpers
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
April 15, 2019: FOXPRO has released 11 new sounds. Click on the play button next to the sound name to hear a preview. To purchase these sounds click here.Mark II Library:
- B31 Old Tom Gobbling
- B32 Dueling Gobblers
- B33 Jake Gobbles
- B34 Spits Yelps Gobbles
- B35 Just Yelps
- B36 Yelping Hen
- B37 Hens CYP
- B38 Just Clucks
- B39 Cluck Yelps
- B40 Tree Talk
- B41 Jake Talk
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
November 8, 2017: FOXPRO has released 18 new sounds.Regular Library:
- 123 Excited Calling
- 124 Feeding Gabble Barks
- 125 Feeding Gabble
- 126 Group Calling
- 127 Individual Feeding
- 128 Individual Calls
- 129 Snow Fun
- 130 Snow Fun 2
- 131 Snows Snows Snows
- 936 Growling Gray Fox
- 415 Doe Estrous Bleats
- 416 Mature Buck Grunts
- 417 Young Buck Grunts
- 418 Rutting Buck
- 419 Snort Wheeze
- 420 Snort Wheeze 2
- 421 Rattle
- 422 The Chase
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
October 11, 2016: FOXPRO has released 39 new sounds.Regular Library:
- 197 Moose Cow 2
- B10 Red Bellied Woodpecker 3
- L11 White Tailed Jack
- L12 Mountain Hare
- L13 White Tailed Jack 2
- N11 Raccoons
- N21 Weasel
- R11 Meadow Mouse
- 194 Moose Cow
- 196 Hyper Moose Cow
- 550 MM Lone Wolf
- 551 MM Passive Coy Howl
- 552 MM Coy Pup Howl
- 553 MM Coy Bark Growls
- 554 MM Coy Barks
- 555 MM Coy Challenge
- 556 MM Coy Chlng Howl
- 557 MM Coy Growls
- 558 MM Dog Brawl
- 559 MM Young KiYi
- 560 MM Adult KiYi
- 561 MM Baby Raccoon Dist
- 562 MM Raccoon Fight
- 563 MM Kittens
- 564 MM Barn Cat
- 565 MM Cottontail Distress
- 566 MM Jackrabbit Distress
- 567 MM Lamb Distress
- 568 MM Hurt N Hog
- 569 MM Pileated Woodpecker
- 570 MM Moose Calf 1
- 571 MM Moose Calf 2
- 572 MM Crow Distress
- 573 MM Crows
- 574 MM Young Buck Grunts
- 575 MM Tending Grunt
- 576 MM Tend Grunt Finish
- 577 MM Mature Buck Grunt
- 578 MM Buck Roar
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
September 1, 2015: FOXPRO has released 17 new sounds.Regular Library:
- 101 Coyote Yips
- 103 Troubled Coyote
- 151 Grown Cottontail
- 193 Moose in Water
- 240 Baby Cottontail
- 524 Porcupine
- 525 Western Vole
- 935 Grieving Gray Fox
- C39 Coyote Family
- C40 Fem Coy Sore Howls
- F11 Baby Bobcat
- L10 Devil Hare
- L63 Rabbit
- L64 Bay Bee Cottontail 2
- Z54 Big Baby Gator
- Z55 Alligator Bellow
- Z56 Gator Bellow and Baby
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
October 29, 2014: FOXPRO has released 23 new sounds.Mark II Library:
- B53 Juvenile Magpie Distress
- B94 Robin Distress 2
- C36 Coyote Yip Duet
- C37 Coyote Duet
- C38 Coyote Duet 2
- C87 Adult Grey Fox Distress
- C88 Grey Fox Fight
- C89 Kit Fox Dist
- D46 Thrashing Moose
- D56 Male Antelope Dist
- F10 Angry Bobcat
- L09 Raspy Jack
- L60 Big Baby Cottontail
- L61 Baby Cottontail
- L62 Baby Cottontail Duet
- N20 Angry Badger
- N51 Adult Porcupine
- Z51 Baby Alligator 2
- Z52 Alligator group
- Z53 Alligator Group 2
- 235 Slow Jack
- 236 Jack Rabbit Distress 2
- 523 Belding Squirrel
Rich Cronk
February, 11, 2014: It is with deep sadness that we have learned of the passing of a valued member of the FOXPRO team, Rich Cronk. Rich was a wonderful ambassador for the predator hunting community. Rich helped many people over the years by sharing his knowledge and passion for hunting. FOXPRO is grateful that we were able to know Rich. Rich was a fine custom call maker and we will treasure the calls he made for us.
2013 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show
January 21, 2013: The recent news and decision by Reed Exhibitions and the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show to refrain from the sales of modern firearms and accessories is disheartening and regrettable to hear. We are very disappointed in their decision and even though we would wish them to repeal their decision we feel that much damage has been done. The ramifications of their decision impacts many attendees and hundreds of exhibitors that have supported this event for many years.The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show has always been one of our favorite shows to interact with our loyal customers and fans. Due to recent events FOXPRO will not be attending the 2013 Eastern Sports and Outdoor trade show. We encourage all of our customers who intended to visit with us to place an order to visit any of our fine retailers. For those who had wished to see us at the show please visit our website for other venues that we will be participating in. We would like to thank all of our customers, fans and friends that have supported us at this show in the past and wish you all a very blessed 2013. For more information on our products please visit, or contact us by phone at 717-248-2507.
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
September 1, 2011: FOXPRO releases 24 new sounds! The new sounds are: Mark II Library:- B09 Woodpecker
- B52 Crows 2
- B92 Mad Starling
- B93 Rooster
- C04 Barking Canine
- C34 Male Coyote Howls
- C35 Female Coyote Submissive
- C85 Platinum Grey Fox
- C86 Steel Grey Fox Pup
- D06 Whitetail Young Distress
- D07 Whitetail Young Angry
- D31 Elk Chuckle
- D32 Bugle-M-In
- D33 Magnum Bugles
- D34 Courting Bugles
- D45 Moose Grunts
- L56 CF Cottontail
- L57 Eastern Cottontail
- L58 Cagie Cottontail
- L59 Lil's Cottontail
- N50 Baby Porcupine
- Z50 Alligator Baby
- 100 Coyote Growls
FOXPRO Sound Library Update
August 3, 2010: FOXPRO releases 11 new Mark II sounds! The new sounds are: Mark II Library:- B05 Hairy Woodpecker 1
- B06 Hairy Woodpecker 2
- B07 Red Bellied Woodpecker 1
- B08 Red Bellied Woodpecker 2
- B65 Barred Owl
- B66 Barred Owls
- C03 Baying Hounds
- C32 Yipping Coyotes
- C33 Male Coyote Long Howl
- D30 Elk Calf Distress
- N40 Little Brown Bat
FREE Sounds Update
March 12, 2010: FOXPRO releases 70 free sounds!NEW Sounds Update
December 4, 2009: FOXPRO releases 19 new sounds!Regular Library:
- 280 Crows
- 531 Raven
- 532 Raven Pair
- 533 Raven Flock
- B51 Raven Duet
- B91 Starling Screams
- C25 Coyote Group Yip Howls
- C26 Coyote Pair
- C27 Coyote Pup Dist 3
- C28 Female Yodel Howl
- C29 Coyote Deep Howls
- C30 Male Coyote Barks
- C31 Coyote Pair Yip Howls
- N07 Raccoon Pup
- N08 Raccoon Puppies
- N09 Raccoon Pup Dist
- N10 Raccoon Pup Cries
- Z08 Magpies Jack Rabbit
- Z09 Ravens Jack Rabbit